Quit Vaping Support for Young People
Want to quit smoking or vaping? Smokefree Hampshire offers free personalised support to help young people quit smoking and/or vaping. Start your smoke free and nicotine-free journey today.
Most vapes contain nicotine, which is highly addictive and can affect a young person’s brain development. Because your brain is developing until about age 25, the nicotine in vapes can really affect this.
Most young people don’t think they will get addicted to nicotine but find it very difficult to stop once they start.
Feeling stressed and need to talk?
We all feel stressed and anxious at times, there are better ways to deal with stress than vaping.
The nicotine in vapes can also make feelings of low mood or anxiety worse. The relief felt after vaping is only short term and is part of the nicotine withdrawal cycle (find out more about vaping and stress https://www.thetruth.com/article/vaping-stress)
If you feel stressed and need to talk:
- Talk to an adult you trust like your parent, carer or teacher
- Free confidential advice and support is available (chat health) Health and wellbeing support for young people: https://www.hampshirehealthyfamilies.org.uk/chathealth
- Talk to Frank
- YoungMinds offers support with young people’s mental wellbeing
Facts about vaping
Health effects
Long term health efects
Quitting aid for adults
Toxic chemicals
Nicotine addiction
Bad for the environment
Smokefree Hampshire
Find out more about vaping:
- NHS vaping and young people https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/#young-people
- ASH (Action for Smoking and Health) electronic cigarettes https://ash.org.uk/resources/view/electronic-cigarettes
- Talk to Frank https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/vapes
- Chief Medical Officer for England on vaping https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/chief-medical-officer-for-england-on-vaping
- Centre for Disease Control (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/e-cigarettes/youth.html#addiction
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